Holistic Therapies

Reiki session in Caerphilly

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that offers a wealth of positive benefits for our overall wellbeing. It can be used alongside other treatments as a complementary therapy. By targeting the body’s energy fields, this non-invasive practice can relieve fatigue, pain and anxiety. A well-known mood stimulant, Reiki leaves you feeling calm, peaceful and energised.

Energy can get stuck in areas of the body, particularly those where you have experienced injury or pain. This blocked energy can eventually impact your health and wellbeing, but Reiki can reduce the risk of this happening. As a Reiki Healer, my aim is to release any energy blocks that may be causing physical and emotional suffering.

During the session, you are invited to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, remove jewellery and switch off your phone. You may experience heat or tingling during the session. Drink plenty of water following your treatment.

Book a One to One Reiki Healing Session

Oracle Card Reading in rural setting

Oracle Card Readings

From time-to-time, we all feel disconnected, insecure and lost. These moments can often overwhelm us, leaving us feeling disorientated and closed off. My oracle card readings empower you to overcome these moments by guiding you from the shadows and back into the light.

A thirty-minute oracle card reading offers you the time and space you need for self-reflection. You may want to focus on a specific situation or ask a particular question. The affirmations offered by the cards allow you to see things in a new way, often reminding you of your strengths and qualities, reinforcing your self-worth and helping you to form a more positive mindset. You are welcome and encouraged to journal during your card reading.

* Regular readings can contribute to your mental and spiritual wellbeing, whilst helping you to incorporate self-care into your routine.

Guided Meditation in Caerphilly

Guided Meditation

Making time to meditate can bring lasting benefits to our lives. Known for its mind-calming qualities, this transformative practice can help alleviate stress, renew our focus and re-connect us to our goals. Learning to remain in the present moment, using our breath as an anchor, takes us away from our every day and provides a safe space to clear the mind chatter and obsessive thoughts.

These sessions encourage you to acknowledge the validity of your emotions and to simply observe your thoughts and feelings without judgement. This quiet practice will help you gain a healthy sense of perspective so you can go on with your day with purpose and positive intentions. In time, you will learn to embrace the present so you wholeheartedly enrich and enjoy your life.

Your 1-hour one-to-one meditation session includes:

You will need the following during the session:

* Regular sessions can contribute to your mental and spiritual wellbeing, whilst helping you to incorporate self-care into your routine.

Moon ritual cards

Positive Affirmations

I was introduced to positive affirmations in 2011 whilst attending an anxiety workshop with mum. We were tasked with handwriting fifty positive affirmations and placing them throughout the home. These messages of positivity became a familiar sight and I soon realised they were helping create and maintain an optimistic outlook.

My Positive Affirmation Cards have been designed as a coping tool when experiencing anxiety and self-doubt. They are available to buy directly from my Etsy shop.

Writing in journal in forest

Journal Prompts

What does your soul need right now? This and many other questions are useful journal prompts that help you reflect on your needs and desires. Journaling is a highly effective - and affordable - self-care tool that support us as we navigate our busy modern lives. Writing down our inner thoughts, intentions and reflections as part of a daily routine can contribute towards a more peaceful state of mind.

Journaling can improve sleep, boost confidence, calm the nervous system and support the immune system. It really is an amazing ritual that we can easily incorporate into our daily lives. Emptying thoughts onto paper creates structure, allowing us to view things from different perspectives. It is a mood-enhancing technique that also energises the body.

This powerful practice features in most of my offerings. Getting started can seem daunting, so I created a simple gratitude journal to help kickstart you on your journaling path.

Grab your journal today from my Etsy shop.

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